Thursday, August 31, 2006

Website idea for Moss Bank Labour

A little idea for Moss Bank Labour ward to have its own "blog". Anything to do with Lib Dem lies, Labour initiatives, local news, good ideas, etc.

Publicise the website name and encourage people to leave comments. Click on the word "comments" below to see what people have to say.


Anonymous said...

I think this is a great idea for a website. Really good for Moss Bank. Hopefully it will help us get rid of those bloody awful Lib Dems.

Anonymous said...

Anyone can comment, anyone can tell us what's on their mind and what they want us to do.

Good idea?


Anonymous said...

Great site. Lets kick the lib dem looneys into touch.

Anonymous said...

the torys are running this town at the moment because the lib-dems have a thirst for power at any cost.

Anonymous said...

have u seen the st helens star one of the local councillors from over moss bank has used his casting vote as chair to virtually scupper the new rail terminal at parkside,this could cost the area upto 10,000 jobs.get this in the public domain through your newsletter nowwwwww,