Saturday, February 03, 2007

Carr Mill Dam

Community champion Roy Litherland has received many messages of support from local residents following his ongoing battle with the Lib Dem led council regarding fly tipping at Carr Mill Dam. Roy said:

Carr Mill Dam is a jewel in the crown of our area and we should be protecting it for future generations, not encouraging people to dump rubbish there.
One local resident said:

Good on you Roy. It comes to something when residents are left to try and clear hazardous mess from well used public beuty spots.

Know of any other local grot spots you want tackling? Contact Roy on 22639 or email

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sorry not sure how this works properly.Could I just thank Roy for speaking up on this issue and the East Lancs Road safety issue.I got Roy's newsletter today and I will be contacting him with some long standing concerns I have in this area.