Saturday, October 06, 2007

More days off work for St Helens workers

This month, new regulations to boost the minimum holiday entitlement from 20 days a year to 24 days come into force. The new legislation will benefit up to 3.5 million women and 2.5 million men, including part-time workers, who will gain extra holidays on a pro-rata basis.

Jim Fitzpatrick MP, Labour's Employment Relations Minister said:
This extra time off will make a real difference in the lives of hard-working people - a proper rest from work and more time to spend with their families and friends.

Businesses will benefit too - from reduced absenteeism and a workforce who are more motivated and productive.


Woody Woodcock said...

Mr Fitzpatrick are you willing to support the Remploy St Helens disabled workers in keeping the factory open?

It was announced on May 22nd that the Remploy Board have made proposals to close 43 of its factories which would mean the loss of about 2500 disabled workers.

Please support us by speaking to Peter Hain who will be making the final decisions on behalf of the Labour Government.

Anonymous said...

Why should money meant to be used to find employment for disabled people be used to keep a few disabled people working in disabled only factories? There are millions of disabled people who want training and better access to work in the mainstream labour market-I know, I'm one of them.