Saturday, September 30, 2006

Grot Spot: Bowness Avenue shop

Take a look at these photos of the state of the area around the Best One shop on Bowness Avenue...

...and ask yourself what your Council is doing about it.


Anonymous said...

In the meantime can I ask are we getting the all weather floodlit sports pitch the Lib Dems campaigned for in Harsefinch Park?Now we have a Lib Dem lead council, propped up by the Tories, there shouldn't be any reason why not.

Anonymous said...

isn't a Moss Bank LD Councillor responsible for the enivronment across the borough?

Anonymous said...

we did clean the area up a few weeks ago without the help of your local councillors and thats the third time, and thats the third time its been done all by volunteers.roy litherland had a big input into the clean ups,he has joined your team which can only benefit the whole of the moss bank,i would really,reallj like to put my name to this statement,but because of my position with a certain t&r group the lib/dems would only complain again.can i just take this opportunity to wish roy all the best he should have done it years ago.

Anonymous said...

i see the place has at last been cleaned up,surprising what can be achieved with the right amount of pressure.BUT i ask the question what are the council doing about the perimiter wall which is certainly a safety issue.HAS an improvement notice with a time limit been served on the owners of the premises ? if not why not because there is certainly a risk of personal injury ie trips/falls DO OUR LOCALLIB/DEM COUNCILLORSwant me to do the job fof them !!!!!! ROY