Not only that, but Recycling Port Ltd does not inform Companies House of the nature of its business. The nature of Recycling Port's business is that it collects your unwanted clothes and then sells them on for its own gain. If you have an any unwanted clothes, we would urge you to give only to registered charities. If you have any doubts about whether a collection is being made on behalf of a charity, please contact the Charity Commission's helpline on 0870 333 0123.
Just got this. Would love to see a TV expose of the guys who run this kind of thing - TV people ring doorbell of head scumbag and ask he'd kindly give them anything in the house he doesn't want anymore. The cheek!
Just got this. Would love to see a TV expose of the guys who run this kind of thing - TV people ring doorbell of head scumbag and ask he'd kindly give them anything in the house he doesn't want anymore. The cheek!
what a scam! i heard that some of these so called charitys!!! sell the stuff at bootsales.as a cancer patient i donate my things to cancer research.what a cheek!
what a scam! i heard that some of these so called charitys!!! sell the stuff at bootsales.as a cancer patient i donate my things to cancer research.what a cheek!
I received one of these. I'm photocopying this us big, and displaying it in my front room window with the words "THIS IS NOT FOR CHARITY" on ti.
I'm photocopying this up LARGE, and placing in my front roomn window with "THIS IS NOT FOR CHARITY" in big letters.
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