Councillor Carole Kavanagh recommends giving fly tippers a second chance. As long as people go back and clear up their rubbish after they've been caught, there will be no fines.
If this isn't a fly tipper's charter, then nothing is. Fly tippers, you now have the freedom of St Helens. And if you're caught, merely say sorry and clear it up, and you won't be fined.
is this really true even they cant be that stupid.
fly tippers should get NO BLOODY CHANCES!!!!! Keep their rubbish to themselves and dispose of it properly...not on our streets and parks.
how can you go back and clean chemicals up ,jo
oh that's odd, that council page appears to have been taken down...keep up the good work Roy :)
have a look at this weeks star thats what happens when you go soft on anything,what a disaster this could have been .it is now wednesday 1600hrs and the mess is still there ,this is after one of your local councillors gave assurances on monday evening at an area committee meeting that the area would be cleaned up within 24hrs, not my words are they richard????????? regards roy
where is the area we are talking about roy? jo
go in through two gates off carr mill rd (just after the school.just
as you turn right for the arches,it was right there in the middle of the access rd roy
this council is so keen to catch the culprits of this disgraceful act,that they havent contacted myself yet (and it is now sunday) for the information that i collected at the scene of the crime
the information is good it includes the manufactures names job numbers and even the names of the people whose propeties they were originally installed in.now come on carol you are the executive member for this department,i know my phone has been passed onto the council so get your act together because you are also one of the councillors for this ward . p.s. i wonder what the decision would be if (as you should) get a result because the culprits cant go back and clear this one up.mm i wonder??
if anybody has any information whatsoever on this incedent please ring the contact numbers in the star but could you also pass it on to myself via this site .thanks roy
roy,is that really true that no one has contacted you about this incedent, mres
yes it is true"mres" it is now sat
09/12/06, i stillhave not been contacted by anybody from our lib/dem council.it is a whole two weeks since i first reported the incedent,mind you it wouldnt make any difference anyway we all know the views of the current portfolio member dont we carol just go back and clean it up no fine just a caution.ps-the first time you get caught is the first time you have
you have tipped!!! honest.
(think about it) roy.
it is now 05/01/07,friday evening i have just read the article in the star with reference to the fly-
tipping carr mill dam.i have taken into account the comments made by councillor kavanagh and for the life of me cannot understand why moving two potentially dangerous gas canisters away from an area,could in any way "contaminate"
evidence that was written in black
felt tip pen on a number of dumped
window frames.what a cheap (attempted)trick to try and deflect the fact that the council and its officers acted in a very
unprofessional manner,oh i bet the culprits are laughing thier socks off ,shame on you councillor.can i just ask you one question
because i know you visit this site
(we know because of the complaints)
how would you have responded,(1)as i did and took all the details from the scene,then removed the gas
canisters 300 yds away from the scene and by doing so took away the possibility of an explosion if the pile of tyres were set on fire
which they were that evening,or (2)
left the area as it was and hope that your council officer could come along 4 days later expecting the pile of tyres ect to be there waiting for him to examine ???
i dont think that the voting public would need to think long and hard about that one.
ps,i will be putting the evidence in the public domain a soon as possibble,nice try carol.and lets be honest it is now council policy
not to prosecute the first time you "get caught" fly tipping not my words are they but the words of the executive member for this department.
roy litherland.
safety officer/advisor.
is it not time to get rid of this so called councilor looks like she only interested in wat she gets out of it personaly
is it not time to get rid of this so called councilor looks like she only interested in wat she gets out of it personaly
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