Thursday, October 26, 2006

Lib Dems: soft on thugs and soft on crime


Anonymous said...

fly tipping is a crime and the stuff that was dumped around carr mill dam last weekend was a disaster waiting to happen,with over 50 tyres and gas canisters window frames and highly flammable containers just left awaiting to be set on fire.icontacted roy whose swift action in removing the gas canisters away from the area avoiding the risk of explosion.well done roy,what would the culprits expect as a punishment,just go back and clean it up we will let you off this time no wonder people take a chance. see the councils own web page under news 07/09/06 heading "a word of caution" see what a lib/dm councillors view is on the matter not gossip FACT. Brian clinkham wood.

Anonymous said...

she isnt just a lib/dem councillor brian councillor kavanagh is one of the ward councillors for this area,and the executive member for the environment,ISNT THAT TYPICAL!!

Anonymous said...

have you seen this weeks star roy? with reference to the fly tipping at carr mill dam what a disgaceful reply from a does local councillor to try and cover the inadaqacies of her department.that answer she gave was neither true nor acceptable.does this woman live in the real world,and does she realize what standard you reached as a safety officer.she is out of her depth mate,dont let go on this one ,i will certainly be writing to the star .roy give us a ring its still the same number .jimmy (sutton manor)